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Lunation: Full Moon in Aquarius 8.01 (Exclusive Horoscopes)

Katie Ussery

*Subscribers! Please read before continuing!

Recently, I've had some health issues resurface that have been making it difficult to write Lunation horoscopes on top of attending my regular client sessions (It does usually take several days to write for each rising sign). I am going to be cutting back the content here significantly and will no longer write for the rising signs so that I can accommodate my energy levels.

I will continue weekly forecasts (and whatever other content my health allows for), but will drop the price of Lunation to $7 instead of $13. My website provider does not allow price changes to existing subscriptions, so I will be canceling everyone's existing $13 subscription on August 16th before the renewal. If you are interested in the $7 version, a link will be sent to your email for you to sign up on the 16th.

It sucks, but as I said in the announcement for Lunation, this was an experiment and it is definitely not something I regret trying out!

This is my last post for the rising signs for now, I hope to have you all back on the new pricing plan, but absolutely no hard feelings if it doesn't interest you as much. Everyone has different priorities and needs, I will not take it personally if you don't renew.

My personal bookings are still open for 30 minute and 1 hour sessions, I'm not completely shutting down business or anything!

Thanks for reading, let's get into these last Full Moon horoscopes.




Welcome! Thank you for joining me for a closer look at the lunar cycles. Rising sign horoscopes can be found at the end, but first–

What is a Full Moon? A Full Moon is when our two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, are in opposing signs, at the same degree. The Full Moons complete cycles that began back at the New Moon in the same sign. This is where those new beginnings and opportunities presented 6 months before begin to bring results or culminate in some way. The sky is full with the harvest of any actions and creations made before. They may also bring intense periods of release, information and secrets revealed, or cathartic purging. These are times of heightened emotion with the two weeks following acting as a recovery and active integration period. The next 6 months after a Full Moon is a period of background integration so that we can begin again at the next New Moon in this sign with a clean slate.

For this particular lunar cycle, something is culminating in the two weeks surrounding the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1st that began back at the New Moon in Aquarius on January 21st 2023.

Sometimes a Full Moon theme is obvious– say you are quitting a job or graduating from college around a Full Moon, this is your Full Moon story. Sometimes the themes aren't obvious at all because something is culminating internally or you simply have to know where to look for the culmination.

This is the purpose that I am hoping these horoscopes will serve– a direction, guidance, and affirmation that you are aligned in your path. And, of course, I hope these are entertaining for you as well. I invite you all to utilize the comment section at the bottom to ask questions about things that are confusing or to share your thoughts about accuracy.

The Full Moon in Aquarius perfects on August 1st at 1:31pm CST. The Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius are both at 9º

The Major Aspects:

Sun-Moon at 9º Leo/Aquarius in a T-square Jupiter at 13º Taurus (4º orb, separating)

Mars at 13º Virgo trine Jupiter at 13º Taurus (0º orb)

Mercury at 5º Virgo opposite Saturn rx at 5º Pisces (0º orb)

Pluto at 28º Capricorn square Nodal axis at 28º Aries/Libra (0º orb, separating)

Additional Chart Features:

• Venus in Leo is retrograde now at 26º (Venus was at this degree on July 11th and 12th, this was the week that Mercury was square to the nodal bendings)

• This Full Moon is ruled by Saturn rx in Pisces opposing Mercury. The Moon and Saturn are in mutual reception as Saturn is Aquarius' ruler and the Moon has triplicity in Pisces

• The Sun in Leo is the final depositor.

Collective energies:

This Full Moon is square to Jupiter in Taurus– a very different energy than the Saturn-Uranus squares we experienced throughout 2021 and 2022. Those were defined by restriction of our freedom. Feeling slow, stuck, mandated in a particular place, and with the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio in 2022– resources were slow. The chains were there for a reason. If you weren’t struggling with money, you were likely struggling with time, energy, and other resources that seemed blocked or unattainable. This could’ve been an internal resource that felt difficult to grasp as well, the manifestation of blocked resources is heavily dependent on where you have Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

The wheel is turning now. Saturn is no longer in Aquarius and Jupiter is approaching its conjunction with Uranus. Freedom is so close we can taste it (this aspect doesn't perfect until 2024, but outer planets build in wider orbs). There is now more room to roam, more resources to spend, and if it hasn't shown up already, it's coming– but do you remember the root of this lesson? This dance between Aquarius and Taurus? This was about sharing our true selves, not allowing tradition or the way that things have always been to dictate what our lives "should" look like now. No matter how unconventional it seemed, we had to overcome the feeling of being an "outcast" to align with what we truly value. During this Leo season, with Venus retrograde in Leo, authenticity is required to gain resources and acknowledgement. What good is your voice if it isn’t heard? What good are your skills if you aren't being transparent about them? Hiding won't get you anywhere.

Rejection wounds are palpable, but the Moon asks us to try again. To continue knocking on each door you pass– see if one answers this time. What’s interesting, there is another story colliding with this one that couldn’t be seen at last year's Full Moon in August. For some of us, it didn't even exist yet: Mercury and Mars in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces. The Leo-Aquarius axis and the Virgo-Pisces axis are joined together by Jupiter in Taurus. The root issue is still value– what do we value and why? What do we want to do with our resources? Why? Not only does this relate to a certain kind of payment for sheer authenticity, but it also has deep ties to whatever sickness may be present preventing resources to flow in the first place. This sickness could be imbalanced energy keeping us chained, resistance to authentic expression, the past, all that has happened before and the fear it will happen again.

There’s a reason why Pisces rules over drugs and substance abuse – ESCAPE. This is about what we are trying to escape from and with Saturn in Pisces? It’s likely something from the past. Facing the past leads to true abundance and resource. Mercury replaces Mars in opposition to Saturn– inflamed issues around the 20th of July are now cooling off enough to talk about rationally. This is testing our ability to act in our own best interests, even while loving and understanding everyone else. Pisces and Virgo deals with sickness when it refuses to confront. With Venus retrograde in Leo, your external environment is trying to reflect something to you and it isn’t what it seems. Resource right now is not received through the means you think they will be and you may find that release is the root of abundance. Clearing space is important lest our resources rot because of people and things that have overstayed their welcome in our energy field. Examine Aquarius’ role as a water bearer: The core theme is separation. What we may see as "separate" areas in our lives is actually tightly conjoined and dependent on one another to thrive. Likewise, may we are needing to separate ourselves from something.

Virgo-Aquarius and Pisces- Leo are inconjunct. I talked about inconjunctions (specifically the one between Pisces and Leo) in the Venus retrograde article, but here's a quick refresher:

Inconjunctions or the "quincunx" aspect are about 72º apart and they often notate an alien feeling between two signs that are different on the surface, but share some thematic core. The inconjunct signs are hypocritical towards each other.

Take Virgo and Aquarius. They are so different. Virgo is a mutable Earth sign while Aquarius is a fixed Air sign. Each have completely different temperaments, Virgo on the critical, bossy side and Aquarius more accepting and separate from rules that Virgo may create. What do they have in common? They both care a lot and ultimately work to serve humanity. Virgo does this by creating efficient, intentional rituals to maintain the integrity of a project while Aquarius serves humanity by accepting all, rejecting none. Perhaps even isolating itself from the collective schedule to provide different ideas about how something could exist and operate. It isn't that Aquarius abandons structure altogether, it just creates ones that work for the individual, understanding and noticing that we do not all fit in the same box. Virgo creates systems that are more routine and uniform because it understands that which is truly important must be kept consistent. Being foreign from one another can create conflict, but it can also create genius solutions. Imagine if these two worked together.

I talked a lot about Leo and Pisces already– but the main theme that they share is compassion. This Leo season with Venus retrograde in Leo, a planet that exalts in Pisces, we are understanding the nuance of compassion. Why we withhold it, why we can't find it, what happens when we have too much of it, what forgiveness means to us, how our pride gets in the way of it. All of these things are combining right now– compassion, authenticity, service, individuality, communal systems. All of these differences, Aquarius and its individual path, Leo and its need for recognition, Virgo and the sacrifices it requires, Pisces and its tendency to get lost. All of these signs united by Jupiter in Taurus, the great resource fueling it all.

Jupiter in Taurus being the end of matters here means that we must listen to our body. What feels good, what doesn't. In betraying our body, we cut off access to promised resources. We are suddenly not at the right place at the right time to receive the right insights for our next steps. This is what we should keep in mind this Full Moon. Separate yourself from what does not feel good. Build systems and rituals around what does feel good. Be authentic about who you really are, when you aren't authentic, you aren't honoring the body. Have some compassion for yourself and release any guilt or shame that has held you back.

More practically, this could be a time where we are assessing the groups and communities we are apart of. Parting ways with some people just to run into others. Ground into your body to understand your unique, individual path. Take the road less traveled. Look back at January 21st to understand what is concluding for you at this time. Know that whatever stories emerge right now will come back around this fall to be reassessed as Mercury goes retrograde and Venus goes direct.

Channeled song: Glitter in the Air by P!nk

Rising Sign Horoscopes:

Aries risings:

Hi, Aries! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 5th and 11th houses square Jupiter in your 2nd house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 6th house opposing Saturn in your 12th house. Mars is in your 6th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 2nd house.

- Pluto in your 10th house is at the nodal bendings in your 1st and 7th house and Venus in your 5th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 1st house and sextile the South Node in your 7th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to your future. You may be realizing that you have different goals and needs than your friends and community members do. Don’t try to make yourself smaller to fit in with the systems around you, the right people and opportunities will come to you when you are admitting and accepting what you truly want. It could be that your personal values are up for discussion right now, perhaps needing to express what you truly find important. Jupiter in your 2nd house is doing a lot for you– he’s giving you insight on what aligns with you and what doesn’t by overwhelming you with possibilities and resources. It could be that your personal finances are changing what your future looks like. You could have more money, time, energy, or self esteem that is diversifying the kinds of friends and lovers available to you.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 5th and 11th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 6th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 12th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 2nd house. There seems to be either a health or work issue that is challenging your mental health or your need to be alone. It could be that this is a busier time of the year for you or that something in your daily environment is testing you, bringing you out of a comfort zone. The 12th house can be a lot of things, if it isn’t a need for isolation or mental health care, it could be that you are asked to look through a more spiritual lens at your life and this approach is changing what you would normally allow in your space. The 6th house represents the tangible sanctuaries we find in life and something in your environment could be demanding more than you can give.

While Mars was more inflammatory in July, it could work productively for you at the time of this Full Moon as it is trine Jupiter in Taurus in the 2nd house. Even if work is taxing or demanding, it’s paying off in a big way. It’s up to you to decide if this is worth it or even sustainable for you. A big theme that the collective is encountering is the “all that glitters is not gold” concept. Even if your current job or communities are encouraging or paying well… are they making you as happy as you could be? If it is, awesome. I just can’t help but to feel like resistance could be showing up for fear of being alone.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for awhile creating intensity in your relationships and within your identity. These could be parental relationships, issues with authority (like a boss), or even with your career causing rifts in personal relationships. The only cardinal sign unaffected by this T-Square is Cancer ruling your 4th house. It could be that a solution to this tension is found in the home, the roots, your deepest emotional self. Maybe there are emotions that you are not expressing, maybe the care and comfort found in the home is a remedy for uncontrollable situations in the external world. Know that this will separate eventually, it’s already in the process of doing so.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 5th house of creativity, children, passions, joy, romance, etc. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Taurus risings:

Hi, Taurus! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 4th and 10th houses square Jupiter in your 1st house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 5th house opposing Saturn in your 11th house. Mars is in your 5th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 1st house.

- Pluto in your 9th house is at the nodal bendings in your 2nd and 8th house and Venus in your 4th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 2nd house and sextile the South Node in your 8th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to your career, your own leadership role (as a boss, parent, or general presence), and public image. You may be realizing that your life goals are different than a family member’s, a boss, or a partner’s goals are. This may create a shift in the way that you present yourself or in the things that you pursue. Remember that the place in our charts that Aquarius is placed is where we are meant to be different, where we’ll genuinely thrive for it. That doesn’t mean it will always be easy or that you’ll have support from all angles, but by being different in your public life, you will attract the correct people and opportunities for you that will help you achieve the legacy that will bring true joy. Let go of what isn’t bringing joy to find what is.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 4th and 10th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 5th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 11th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 1st house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction in your 11th house of friends, communities, and future plans. Maybe you don’t know what you want for your future, perhaps you’re struggling to relate to others, or you are finding yourself separating from people you used to connect with. Whatever the case, it could be that a romantic partner, a sibling, or a younger person in your life is bringing you out of this slump and into joy. It could also be that a passion or even a child is the reason for this separation, you’re simply finding yourself going in a different direction that allows for more personal interest and expression.

Mars in Virgo in your 5th house could have been more challenging in July, creating extra tension with what you want for the future, but now it’s acting more productive than it did in July as it is trine to Jupiter in your 1st house. This expansion and diversification of your personality and identity is what is opening the door to passions you may not have considered before. This could even be the reason for a change in life goals and desires. You are opening up and this is ultimately leading you to where you need to be. It is very possible that Taurus risings are conceiving or having children at this time, if this is not what you want, make sure to take precautions.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your finances and resources. It could be that you are needing to travel and this is draining your resources, perhaps you are having to combine what you have with someone else’s possessions and resources creating a foreign experience that you’re not used to navigating. Pluto in the 9th house could also signify legal issues, college and classes, or a doctor/mentor/therapist. It seems that you’re having to spend time, energy, and money on one of these things and it’s possible that it is creating a bit of stress. The only cardinal sign unaffected by this T-Square is Cancer ruling your 3rd house. It could be that a solution to this tension is found in learning and researching more about something before committing, communicating honestly, or finding a way to simplify information. Maybe there’s a perspective that you haven’t considered yet.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 4th house of home, family, and the inner world. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Gemini risings:

Hi, Gemini! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 3rd and 9th houses square Jupiter in your 12th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 4th house opposing Saturn in your 10th house. Mars is in your 4th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 12th house.

- Pluto in your 8th house is at the nodal bendings in your 5th and 11th house and Venus in your 3rd house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 11th house and sextile the South Node in your 5th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to teaching, learning, spirituality, travel, and experience. It’s possible that you are completing a course of study at this time or taking a different approach to this area. This could even mean traveling somewhere you’ve never been before, trying a different method of therapy, or discovering more about your belief systems that may make you stand out from others around you. It’s important that you are authentic to what you actually believe or you will always find yourself feeling alien to others, never connecting to the others who share your ideas and values. I promise you that there are others out there just like you! The many perception shifts and revelations you’re having this Venus retrograde is adding to the fire and allowing you to expand your mind in ways you didn’t know were possible.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 3rd and 9th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 4th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 10th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 12th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to authority figures, career, and public image. It could be that you are wanting to get serious about your life direction but you’re not sure how, or maybe you have authority figures (this includes parents, grandparents, etc.) that are breathing down your neck making it difficult to tune into what you want. Whatever the case, with Mercury in your 4th house, it’s possible to receive some information about your home or from a family member at this time that could help you with your sense of direction. Something said may push you to make some changes.

With Mars in your 4th house of home, it’s possible that you were feeling irritated or misunderstood in July, especially by your family, but now Mars is working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 12th house. If you are moving, I wonder if you are living by yourself or are moving pretty far away. I feel like this would be such a great experience for you if this is the case. Otherwise, these two houses can speak to emotional and mental states. You have an opportunity to diversify your understanding of your personal insecurities and fears, this could be a time where you learn something that shows you the root of a certain fear and how to remedy this. If you do any kind of spiritual work, this is a great aspect for this.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your friendships, connections, romantic interests, passions, and has probably had you thinking a lot about the past and the future. With Pluto in the 8th house, it may be that you are thinking about people and plans that are lost to you now, but something about this transit is trying to show you how to transform any old identities so that you can connect to your joy and fascination again. It could be too, that you are wondering how you’re going to financially navigate some kind of project you have. The remedy is going to be in the cardinal house not affected. The solution is to look within– what are your values, what steps can you take to heal low self esteem, or what can you do with your time and energy to make the money that you need. Remember that you can always choose to nurture yourself and grow past any old stories and behaviors that have held you back before.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 3rd house of learning, communication, and local environments. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Cancer risings:

Hi, Cancer! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 2nd and 8th houses square Jupiter in your 11th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 3rd house opposing Saturn in your 9th house. Mars is in your 3rd house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 11th house.

- Pluto in your 7th house is at the nodal bendings in your 10th and 4th house and Venus in your 2nd house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 10th house and sextile the South Node in your 4th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to release and transformation. The 8th house is a lot of things, but it usually describes loss of some kind– loss of old identities, investment of money into something that takes away from your personal finances, or the blending with another person or entity that dissolves the separate self. It could be that you are reviewing your money and how much of it you are saving or spending, or maybe some kind of emotional loss or issue has your attention right now. Aquarius is ultimately about separating ourselves from perceived responsibility and acceptance for our more natural, intimate state, even when we don’t fit the mold. This is why people love you, Cancer. Your ability to accept others.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 2nd and 8th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 3rd house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 9th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 11th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to travel, extended family, culture, legal matters, spirituality, and mentorship. The 9th house could be your general sense of feeling “different” from others around you or needing more guidance in some area. It’s also about how much you know and don’t know. With Mercury opposing Saturn in your 3rd house, this could be a time where you are actually learning a lot that will allow for more understanding and insight into any issues or feelings of loneliness found in the 9th house.

With Mars in your 3rd house of information, required learning, communication, siblings, and socializing was likely pretty irritating in July, but now it’s working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 11th house. It could be that a friend, a new community, or online group is what is teaching you and sharing helpful information that allows for more inclusion. Your networks are being diversified, soak up this knowledge, it will help you later! It could also be that new information changes your plans for the better and expands the possibilities available to you– especially if you are making room and saving resources for this with the Full Moon in your 8th house.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your career, life direction, home, and sense of inner security. It could be that some relationship issues are causing rifts in these areas, Pluto is intense. If there aren’t difficulties in your relationships, I imagine that they are transforming in a way that is challenging and changing these major life areas. Whatever the case, the solution is likely in the cardinal house not affected, your 1st house of identity has the final say and support. If someone is making you uncomfortable, it’s important to listen to your own inner authority and to really question what you want from these areas of life. It could be that something about you and your identity is changing too (very possible with Saturn in your 9th house). Allow for the new you to make decisions from the space you are in now.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 2nd house of values, money, worthiness, self esteem, time, and energy. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Leo risings:

Hi, Leo! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 1st and 7th houses square Jupiter in your 10th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 2nd house opposing Saturn in your 8th house. Mars is in your 2nd house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 10th house.

- Pluto in your 6th house is at the nodal bendings in your 3rd and 9th house and Venus in your 1st house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 5th house and sextile the South Node in your 11th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to communication, study, and environment. It’s possible that you are ending a course of study at this time or are upleveling in your personal perception of things. You may really struggle in your ability to communicate what you’re interested in because of where you live, who you’re around, or simply because social media is cringey and scary. Whatever you are experiencing right now, it’s time to be authentic to your mind, your perspective, and what you actually want to say. Your voice deserves to be heard and if you find something in this realm to be restrictive, you can always do it your own way. You don’t have to do what’s popular to be appreciated. People love you for your unique ideas.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 3rd and 9th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 10th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 4th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 6th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to home, family, the past, and your inner emotional world. Whatever the case, with Mercury in your 10th house, it’s possible to receive some information about your parents, career, or your life direction at this time that could help you with a matter close to home. Something said may push you to make some changes.

With Mars in your 10th house of career and life direction, it’s possible that you were feeling irritated or misunderstood in July, especially by your boss, parents, or by the general public, but now Mars is working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 6th house. Over the next year, you’re diversifying the kinds of jobs, lifestyles, and health routines that are available to you. You’re probably getting pretty holistic and knowledgeable about this area. I could totally see a promotion at this time or a major shift within your lifestyle and job to accommodate your actual life goals instead of staying where your energy isn’t reciprocated or appreciated. Also, are some of you becoming pet parents? You better send pics!

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your friendships, connections, romantic interests, passions, and has probably had you thinking a lot about the past and the future. With Pluto in the 2nd house, it may be that you are thinking about your personal values, self esteem, or even your energy levels and the ability to make money doing the things you love. It could be too, that you are wondering how you’re going to financially navigate some kind of project you have. The remedy is going to be in the cardinal house not affected. The solution is to look at the 8th house– what can you let go of (from the past, the future, people, or anything that is a drain on your energy) that will free up more space for joy and passion projects? Remember that you can always choose to nurture yourself and grow past any old stories and behaviors that have held you back before.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 9th house of learning, travel, belief systems, and culture. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Virgo risings:

Hi, Virgo! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 6th and 12th houses square Jupiter in your 9th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 1st house opposing Saturn in your 7th house. Mars is in your 1st house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 9th house.

- Pluto in your 5th house is at the nodal bendings in your 2nd and 8th house and Venus in your 12th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 8th house and sextile the South Node in your 2nd house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to your health, daily rituals, and service work. It could be that you are quitting a job at this time or are stepping out of an old way of being in the way that you serve and cater to others. The 6th house is a lot of things. It can be the way we take care of ourselves through exercise, what we regularly eat, the environments and people that we entertain, the burdens that we carry. You may discover something about your inner, spiritual state that leads you to shifting your life around to accommodate your needs. Aquarius is where we are challenged to be different despite what others around us have to say, so don’t allow others and their close mindedness to stop you from freeing yourself from oppressive conditions.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 6th and 12th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 1st house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 7th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 9th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to your relationships and partnerships. It could be that you are taking a relationship to the next level and it’s been difficult for you to embody that kind of trust and acceptance, or it could be that you are greatly minimizing the amount of people who have access to you. Whatever the case, Mercury in your 1st house is providing insight and information into who you truly are and who you are becoming. This could help others understand you at this time.

With Mars in your 1st house of identity, it’s possible that you were feeling irritated or misunderstood in July, but now Mars is working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 9th house. Over the next year, you are diversifying your experiences, traveling and exploring new ideas, ways of living and being, and even your own belief systems and how you connect to God, spirituality, or whatever it is you believe in. It’s possible that something you are discovering right now is providing a lot of insight into who you are, who you want to be, and what your personal motivations are.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your finances, shared resources and physical spaces, values, self esteem, and intimacy levels. It’s possible that with Pluto in your 5th house, a romantic partner, a child, or something you do for joy or entertainment is challenging your self esteem or your ability to be open. This is creating deep transformation, but is likely to feel a bit overwhelming and it could be costly for you to keep a passion alive. Whatever you may be dealing with, look to the 11th house as this is the only cardinal house not aspected. You could find that a friend, a community member, or an online connection could help you with your finances, or could help you with whatever you seem to be stressed about.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 12th house of isolation, mental and spiritual health, and insecurities. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Libra risings:

Hi, Libra! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 5th and 11th houses square Jupiter in your 8th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 12th house opposing Saturn in your 6th house. Mars is in your 12th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 8th house.

- Pluto in your 4th house is at the nodal bendings in your 1st and 7th house and Venus in your 11th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 7th house and sextile the South Node in your 1st house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to play, passion, romance, and the inner child. It could be that there is a cathartic release happening when it comes to the past and what you may have experienced in childhood. There is a reason why the 5th house represents both the inner child and romance. How we experience love as children is directly related to how we experience it as adults as well as what we want to create. The 5th house is the creative spark and how we use it to heal, to entertain, and to love and connect with others. There are some things in this sector that seem separate, but are actually tied together. If you’ve felt blocked around creativity and fun, it’s likely that something from the past needs to be released or truly felt first.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 5th and 11th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 12th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 6th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 8th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to work, health, routines, and what is physically in your control. With Mercury in your 12th house, it’s possible to receive some information about your fears, things that have been previously hidden from you, or about your mental and spiritual health at this time that could help you with a physical health or work matter. Something said may push you to make some changes.

With Mars in your 12th house of surrender, fears, isolation, and mental/spiritual health, it’s possible that you were feeling irritated or misunderstood in July, especially by people you work with, a doctor, or by people you see every day, but now Mars is working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 8th house. Over the next year, you’re diversifying the kinds of resources (like loans or other kinds of monetary funds), environments, and transformation available to you. You’re probably getting pretty knowledgeable about this area. I could totally see you gaining support in ways you hadn’t considered before.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your main areas of life. With Pluto in the 4th house, it may be that you are dealing with a home, family, or inner world matter that has felt transformative or intense. It could be too, that your relationships and personal identity is deeply affected by those home changes. The remedy is going to be in the cardinal house not affected. The solution is to look at the 10th house– what do you want your legacy to be? This is the house that rules over life direction, who we are in the public, and our career. It could be that your career is deeply supporting you at this time, perhaps a parent, authority figure, or even the government is something that can help you with these changes.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 11th house of friends, goals and plans for the future, interests, and community. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Scorpio risings:

Hi, Scorpio! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 4th and 10th houses square Jupiter in your 7th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 11th house opposing Saturn in your 5th house. Mars is in your 11th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 7th house.

- Pluto in your 3rd house is at the nodal bendings in your 6th and 12th house and Venus in your 10th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 6th house and sextile the South Node in your 12th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to family, the home, and how your energy operates. The 4th house is definitely about the family (chosen or not) that you have around you and your physical space, but as a Scorpio rising myself, I often experience 4th house transits as my true nature, especially where it has not been accepted. What is the “original pain” that keeps you back from sharing yourself with the world? Aquarius on the 4th often creates a feeling of being an outcast, detached from your roots and ancestors, or fears of abandonment. You could be processing through something that hits close to home and releasing it. This could be something that you thought you’d never be able to detach from and by releasing these internal issues, you are allowing more authenticity and freedom in your public life and career too. This could affect your own role as a parent or authority figure to someone else or you could be moving and making big life changes at this time.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 4th and 10th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 11th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 5th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 7th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction in your 5th house of sex, romance, childhood, children, and your personal passion and creativity. Maybe a creative interest of yours is separating you from your peers, it’s possible that childhood wounds around expression or sexual shame are coming up resulting in your own isolation. Whatever is happening here, Mercury is in your 11th house, likely trying to send you community and peers to bring you out of this shell, showing you a new future or a new way to approach your joy and interests. It could be that some of you are joining new communities at this time that are testing your ability to be open and expressive with others.

Mars in your 11th house of the future, friendships, community, and networking was likely pretty irritating in July, but now it’s working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 7th house of partnerships. It’s very likely that you could be meeting someone (or several people) that you will develop deeper relationships or business plans with. You seem to have common goals with those you are meeting right now.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your health and perception. It could be that a physical or mental health issue is hindering your ability to communicate or associate with certain people or environments. You may be struggling to talk about what is happening in this area of life. If it’s not a health issue, it could be your energy levels or your workload that is making it difficult to commute, to be present when you communicate, or it is taking you away from socializing like you normally would. The solution is likely in the cardinal house not affected, your 9th house of mentors, travel, experiences, and spirituality. You may find support from a therapist, a doctor, or a spiritual mentor right now. It could be that you genuinely need a vacation or that a legal affair will be the thing to help you. This also feels like unconventional therapy or healing that is assisting you right now.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 10th house of career, authority, life direction, and public identity. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Sagittarius risings:

Hi, Sagittarius! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 3rd and 9th houses square Jupiter in your 6th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 10th house opposing Saturn in your 4th house. Mars is in your 10th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 6th house.

- Pluto in your 2nd house is at the nodal bendings in your 5th and 11th house and Venus in your 9th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 5th house and sextile the South Node in your 11th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to communication, study, and environment. It’s possible that you are ending a course of study at this time or are upleveling in your personal perception of things. You may really struggle in your ability to communicate what you’re interested in because of where you live, who you’re around, or simply because social media is cringey and scary. Whatever you are experiencing right now, it’s time to be authentic to your mind, your perspective, and what you actually want to say. Your voice deserves to be heard and if you find something in this realm to be restrictive, you can always do it your own way. You don’t have to do what’s popular to be appreciated. People love you for your unique ideas.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 3rd and 9th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 10th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 4th house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 6th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to home, family, the past, and your inner emotional world. Whatever the case, with Mercury in your 10th house, it’s possible to receive some information about your parents, career, or your life direction at this time that could help you with a matter close to home. Something said may push you to make some changes.

With Mars in your 10th house of career and life direction, it’s possible that you were feeling irritated or misunderstood in July, especially by your boss, parents, or by the general public, but now Mars is working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 6th house. Over the next year, you’re diversifying the kinds of jobs, lifestyles, and health routines that are available to you. You’re probably getting pretty holistic and knowledgeable about this area. I could totally see a promotion at this time or a major shift within your lifestyle and job to accommodate your actual life goals instead of staying where your energy isn’t reciprocated or appreciated. Also, are some of you becoming pet parents? You better send pics!

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your friendships, connections, romantic interests, passions, and has probably had you thinking a lot about the past and the future. With Pluto in the 2nd house, it may be that you are thinking about your personal values, self esteem, or even your energy levels and the ability to make money doing the things you love. It could be too, that you are wondering how you’re going to financially navigate some kind of project you have. The remedy is going to be in the cardinal house not affected. The solution is to look at the 8th house– what can you let go of (from the past, the future, people, or anything that is a drain on your energy) that will free up more space for joy and passion projects? Remember that you can always choose to nurture yourself and grow past any old stories and behaviors that have held you back before.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 9th house of learning, travel, belief systems, and culture. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Capricorn risings:

Hi, Capricorn! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 2nd and 8th houses square Jupiter in your 5th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 9th house opposing Saturn in your 3rd house. Mars is in your 9th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 5th house.

- Pluto in your 1st house is at the nodal bendings in your 4th and 10th house and Venus in your 8th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 4th house and sextile the South Node in your 10th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to the way you make money, your personal values and self esteem, and what you put in and on your body. This could be a time where a significant transformation taking place is causing you to question all that you hold close. Question your values and belief systems often, because how many of those systems are ones you’ve created? How many of these social norms are things you’ve adopted from someone else’s shadow? How many are learned as a means of protection and self preservation? This is a time where you could be changing the way you make money or how you relate to these larger value issues.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 2nd and 8th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 9th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 3rd house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 5th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to communication, local environment, transportation, social circles, and siblings. With Mercury in your 9th house, it’s possible to receive some information about travel, education (like college), a mentor (like a therapist, doctor, teacher, etc.), or something more spiritual that changes your perception. Something said may push you to make some changes.

With Mars in your 9th house of beliefs, mentors, and travel, it’s possible that you were feeling irritated or misunderstood in July, especially by people in your local environment, a sibling, or by a learning or travel institution of some kind, but now Mars is working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 5th house. Over the next year, you’re diversifying the kinds of fun, passions, romantic partners, and entertainment available to you. You’re probably getting pretty knowledgeable about this area. I could totally see you working on projects you hadn’t considered to be fun before.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your main areas of life. With Pluto in the 1st house, it may be that you are dealing with a personal identity or autonomy issue that has felt transformative or intense. It could be that your home life and career are feeling a bit frustrating. The remedy is going to be in the cardinal house not affected. The solution is to look at the 7th house– what relationships or people in your life do you have at your disposal? It could be that someone in your life can help you with these changes.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 8th house of shared resources, loans, debt, and intimacy. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Aquarius risings:

Hi, Aquarius! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 1st and 7th houses square Jupiter in your 4th house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 8th house opposing Saturn in your 2nd house. Mars is in your 8th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 4th house.

- Pluto in your 12th house is at the nodal bendings in your 3rd and 9th house and Venus in your 7th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 3rd house and sextile the South Node in your 9th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to your personal identity. It’s possible that you are changing your appearance at this time, but more likely, this is felt internally. You may be closing a chapter around your very identity, perhaps letting go of a personality trait that you didn’t realize you could live without. These changes are often more apparent when you look at the last 6 months as a whole– how have you been relating to yourself and has it changed? Have you done anything different or new? How is that paying off? This transit is extremely individual, so only you will really know. With the Moon’s ruler in your 2nd house, it’s likely that these changes have been around body, food, value, and esteem.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 1st and 7th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 8th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 2nd house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 4th house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to money, self esteem, values, time and energy. With Mercury in your 8th house, it’s possible to receive some information about any loans, shared finances and resources, or even your personal sense of transformation at this time that could help you with a financial or self esteem matter. Something said may push you to make some changes.

With Mars in your 8th house of loans, shared resources, and intimacy, it’s possible that you were feeling irritated or misunderstood in July, especially by others who you are intimate with or even by others in higher positions, but now Mars is working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 4th house. Over the next year, you’re diversifying the kind of home, family, and inner world you are cultivating. You’re probably getting pretty holistic and knowledgeable about this area. I could totally see you expanding the home in some way or moving somewhere far from where you have been living.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within the knowledge you’ve had available to you. With Pluto in the 12th house, it may be that you are dealing with a mental or spiritual health issue either in your own life or in someone else’s life. It could be too, that you have been out of your depth, needing to seek more knowledge and understanding or even needing to let go and surrender altogether. The remedy is going to be in the cardinal house not affected. The solution is to look at the 6th house– what is actually in your control? This could have to do with the physical body or physical health as well. Perhaps that means needing to see a doctor for medication or maybe there is something within your physical environment that needs to change.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 7th house of interpersonal relationships. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.

Pisces risings:

Hi, Pisces! Happy Full Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that Full Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are closing a 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are opposing in your 6th and 12th houses square Jupiter in your 3rd house.

- Mercury is in Virgo in your 7th house opposing Saturn in your 1st house. Mars is in your 7th house in Virgo trine Jupiter in your 3rd house.

- Pluto in your 11th house is at the nodal bendings in your 2nd and 8th house and Venus in your 6th house is retrograde and trine the North Node in Aries in your 2nd house and sextile the South Node in your 8th house.

Your Horoscope:

This Full Moon, you are taking the road less traveled when it comes to spirituality. The 12th house is a lot of things. It can be how we approach the unknown, spirit, god, our mental health, what we do when we are alone, how we enter a state of surrender, our place of rest or vacation. It could be that you are ending a cycle of isolation, partnering with others, or maybe you are making different efforts, working with the universe in a different way than you have in the past. I find 12th house transits revealing of insecurities we didn’t know we had– it could be that certain tender spots are being released at this time or they are coming to a head. This is especially where you feel “weird” or “different” from others. This is something that you are hopefully becoming more accepting of on an internal level. It’s possible that your daily routines are changing too, asking you to compromise some of the time you would normally spend alone.

While the Full Moon is perfecting on the 6th and 12th house axis, Mars and Mercury are in Virgo in your 7th house. Mercury is opposing Saturn in your 1st house and Mars is trine Jupiter in your 3rd house. You have been majorly combating some kind of guilt, shame, or other kind of restriction related to your own identity and physical appearance this year. Saturn transiting the 1st house can be a challenging time, but it ends with the ability to appreciate and accept who we are looking at in the mirror and who we present ourselves as to the world. Key identity changes are developing right now as you mature. With Mercury opposing Saturn, it’s likely that relationship changes and connections (either in romantic, business, or platonic) are helping you to open up, providing a deeper understanding and context to your personal identity, allowing insight into who you truly want to be.

With Mars in your 7th house of one on one relationships (again, romantic, business, or platonic) your interpersonal connections were likely pretty irritating in July, but now Mars is working productively with a trine to Jupiter in your 3rd house. Over the next year, you are deeply expanding and diversifying the knowledge, information, and kinds of interaction/communication available to you. It’s likely that you have a new interest or class that you are taking that someone in your life may be helping you with. This is big– learning a new language to communicate with someone– vibes. This is opening up opportunities to relate to the world differently and change your perspective.

Pluto has been at the nodal bendings for a while creating intensity within your finances, shared resources and physical spaces, values, self esteem, and intimacy levels. It’s possible that with Pluto in your 11th house, you have been acting on some plans that you’ve had for the future and it is taking up a significant amount of resources. You could be investing in your future or in an interest that you have that is creating personal growth and transformation. Whatever the case, if there have been some money concerns, the solution is likely in your 5th house as the only cardinal house unaspected. It could be that a romantic partner is helping you out, but this is also the house of passion, the entertainment industry (theatre, film, art, etc.), and gambling. While it may feel counterintuitive, the more fun you have, following your passion, the more money will flow.

Lastly, Venus is now retrograde in your 6th house of work, health, pets, routines, and reciprocity. Take note of what questions and frustrations that have emerged in this area since June 18th- July 22nd, all of those things are up for review. What is being shown to you in your external environment right now that seems unrelated to your internal struggles? This is more connected than you think. It’s okay if you feel differently about something or someone right now. This is a part of the process, but try not to make premature decisions. Much is still changing and growing.

Happy Full Moon! Please let me know if you need extra support right now, my bookings are open for August.


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