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Lunation: New Moon in Cancer 7.17 (Exclusive Horoscopes)

Katie Ussery

Welcome! Thank you for joining me for a closer look at the lunar cycles. Rising sign horoscopes can be found at the end, but first–

What is a New Moon? A New Moon is when our two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, are in the same sign, at the same degree, on the same page. The New Moon begins a cycle of creation as the Moon is dark and allows for possibility. The sky opens up for our intentions and may bring in tools for a little beginner's luck. Every month, we have a New Moon kicking off a two week cycle where we may be presented something new or we may be the active creators ourselves. It will also, simultaneously create a 6 month cycle that, again, will feel the most potent at the time of the New Moon, but will then continue working in our lives in the background until we reach its Full Moon counterpart in the opposing season.

Sometimes a New Moon theme is obvious– say you are moving to a new city around a New Moon, this is your New Moon story. Sometimes the themes aren't obvious at all because you are given some kind of creative control or you simply have to know where to look for the new beginnings available to you.

This is the purpose that I am hoping these horoscopes will serve– a direction, guidance, and affirmation that you are aligned in your path. And, of course, I hope these are entertaining for you as well. I invite you all to utilize the comment section at the bottom to ask questions about things that are confusing or to share your thoughts about accuracy.

The New Moon in Cancer perfects on July 17th at 1:32pm CST. The Sun and the Moon are conjoined at 24º of Cancer creating a New Moon.

The Major Aspects:

Mercury at 12º Leo square Jupiter at 11º Taurus (1º orb, separating)

Mars at 4º Virgo opposite Saturn at 6º Pisces (2º orb)

Sun-Moon at 24º Cancer sextile Uranus at 22º Taurus (2º orb, separating)

Sun-Moon at 24º Cancer trine Neptune at 27º Pisces (3º orb)

Sun-Moon at 24º Cancer opposite Pluto at 29º Capricorn (5º orb)

Additional Chart Features:

• Venus in Leo is at its station degree at 28º preparing to move backward

• The Moon gains support through domicile and decanic dignity

Collective energies:

Feeling emotional? Super normal for a Cancer New Moon at the Pisces degree.

This New Moon is in the final decan (the last 10º) of Cancer ruled by the Moon. Dignity-wise this Moon is strong and absolutely overflowing, like peach juice running down our chins, with Lunar wisdom. The Moon is known for what makes us comfortable. Take truth for example, this is something that makes us uncomfortable until it's said aloud, we are suddenly set free with the truth, with the comfort that something is resonating, it's finally making sense. Pushing it away, shoving it down, ignoring it, avoiding it– this is where the lie of silence takes over, the resistance we meet when we close our eyes to the Sun, it's so overpowering it even bleeds through the lids trying desperately to cover, to protect, to disconnect from what is glaringly obvious.

This is kind of what the Sun feels like in Cancer. This big bright sphere is in the Lunar realm of the hidden, the unknown, the depth of our emotional body. You have to know that our feelings reveal some truth about the world. As I said in our tarot reading last week, "Notice the feelings that have been rising for quite sometime. Those feelings carry a truth that will transcend and step outside of "right" timing altogether– this is because these feelings have been crafted by time itself."

We need to keep in mind at this time that most of the planets are retrograde or are preparing to station at the time of this New Moon. That means that whatever happens around the time of this lunation is likely reviewing something from the past or something arising now will be up for review again later. This beginning is one that is not definitive and we should not go around making declarations and proclamations about what is and what isn't– this is all going to change. Mercury square Jupiter plays a part in this advice too. The only thing that we can do is follow those nudging feelings, the ones we've been feeling for months and years. That is a truth that cannot be ignored right now, it will find a way to spill over in a way you did not intend if you settle into avoidance and reluctancy.

You may recall from our weekly reading on July 10th that Mercury in Cancer was opposite Pluto in Capricorn at 29º right before moving into Leo. This New Moon seems to be mimicking something that was said or thought around the 10th and the days surrounding it. Why? The Sun and Moon in Cancer are moving to oppose Pluto in Capricorn in the place that Mercury did just a week ago. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius in March 2023 and just retrograded back into Capricorn in June 2023. It will move back into Aquarius in January 2024 where we will do this Plutonian dance yet again retrograding one more time until its ingression in November 2024 where it will stay in Aquarius for 20 years. This is important to our society of course, we are dealing with many technological changes (Pluto in Aquarius) that our physical structured world must move around to accommodate (Pluto in Capricorn), but this is also important to our personal lives and stories.

Wherever you have Capricorn, you have been through so many changes over these 15 years. And you're probably thinking, "Of course I have! It's been 15 years, Katie!" But dear reader, understand that the Capricorn sector of our charts is a tough one, this has not been just any kind of change. This transit has required a lot from us, it is the brick house that just won't come down. This was a venture that you unknowingly had to commit to, one that you were bound to by restriction. Capricorn is the house of the late bloomer. It takes work, consideration, a tougher attitude than we were born with, but this New Moon opposing Pluto in Capricorn? Something is requiring a softness that does not come naturally anymore. So much work on one thing can create a struggle to open the door to something else.

This summer we are facing a Venus retrograde and at the time of this Moon, Venus is at her station degree stopped in her tracks, preparing for her descent to the underworld. The opposite sign of Leo (Leo is the sign that Venus is retrograding in) is Aquarius. This is a sign that rules pacifism due to kindness. It so badly needs freedom, but can't abandon its duty. Meanwhile Leo can have so little compassion that it throws caution to the wind, it bulldozes because something isn't appealing or its ego is being threatened. Right now, we are trying to find a balance between deep compassion for others and the values that seem "selfish" to us. Ask yourself, are you being selfish or are you expressing yourself and your true nature? Is your compassion for others overriding a feeling that you so deeply need to express? Or are you taking advantage of someone's compassion, riding on borrowed time?

You know how we've been talking a lot about Neptune lately? This is good, the perfect timing. The last New Moon was square to Neptune and this New Moon is trine Neptune. Neptune is about reenactment. Something at this time may be repeating itself, it is the easier thing to close our eyes, to avoid the feelings bubbling up within us. It is much harder to confront, to engage with this cycle, this situation, this person. The Sun and Moon in Cancer are sextile to Uranus. The New Moon in Cancer, the sign of wisdom, is sextile to Uranus, the planet of foresight and freedom. You now have the wisdom and the foresight to do things differently. You may be waiting for others to give you permission (you don't need it), or to have someone tell you the answers (you already know them), or maybe you're waiting on the right time (it will never come). It is our feeling showing us the way.

Any heartbreak we've experienced is coming from an unfulfilled desire that was not rooted in reality or is not coming from the correct avenue. It's like going to a Chinese restaurant and expecting Ethiopian food– it's not possible to receive what you need from this place, this person, this particular path, but if what you are truly seeking is Ethiopian food, you can find it. The "New" part of this New Moon is shifting focus and direction because not only do we now have the wisdom to do so, but we may have no other choice as it would be a betrayal of self.

Caution actually feels like a good thing right now, planets in Cancer and Capricorn want to make something worthwhile, I think we would do better to slow down with the thing emerging in our lives right now. Impatience is what could fail you.

There seem to be two options for this New Moon (but interpret these options in the way that they speak to you and fit into your life):

a) To pivot now that you have the wisdom to care properly.

b) To slow down and create a more worthwhile experience.

The reality is, that while we have been working hard to change this area of our lives (Pluto in Capricorn), we still have a ways to go. We are nearly there, but there are some adjustments to make, wisdom from our opposite house (Cancer) that we desperately need to absorb. Saturnian natured transits tend to give us the toughest battles, but they still expect us to remain soft in the end.

If you are not feeling quite as heavy as this delineation may suggest, this is still just as valid, your transits may look a bit different. Here are some themes you could be seeing instead:

You may be having conversations around the family, the home, your own personal childhood or inner world. It could be that you are starting a family (especially one that feels unconventional or unexpected with the sextile to Uranus), you may be "birthing" a new project that feels close to home. You may be opening up to someone about how you feel in a way that deepens the relationship and changes perspective. Or maybe your pivot is more internal– finally giving space and room for feelings that you have, especially if you've been shoving away something that feels good, maybe better than you are used to.

Cancer often signifies both the restriction and the fear of enmeshment. Some of us are having to begin something right now with the challenge of not getting unhealthily attached in the ways we have in the past. Others are breaking out of enmeshment because of how unhealthy it was for you. Whatever the case, be honest about how you feel. Shoving the truth down hurts everyone in the end.

*Something that I do feel is important to add: Mars in Virgo is moving into an opposition with Saturn at the time of this New Moon, it exacts on July 20th (just 3 days after this lunation). This is going to present some kind of an issue that I do not think will be an immediate fix. This can show up in many ways in our lives, but the core of the problem is that something is being inflamed in order to show us the restructuring necessary to achieve a certain goal (that goal could be physical, but it's likely going to speak to a more emotional issue with Saturn in Pisces). This is big roadblock vibes, but making rash decisions in response to whatever arises is not wise. This entire New Moon promises a bright beginning if we can express ourselves honestly and follow the feelings that have been building for a long time (not just overnight). If something random comes up in the next few weeks that you are feeling an urgent need to deal with, try your best to give it time so that you are thinking clearly.

Oh! And just 2 hours after the New Moon perfects, the Nodes are shifting signs. Our fate is changing. You can read more about this in the July 2023 article.

Channeled songs for this New Moon:

Go Easy On Me by Adele

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes by Ilene Woods

Rising sign Horoscopes:

*keep in mind that the most accurate predictions come from the personal birth chart. If something does not resonate it is because while this is a more personal horoscope, it is still not personalized and tailored to you and your life.

Aries risings:

Hi, Aries! Happy New Moon. Let's breakdown this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 4th house opposite Pluto in your 10th house, sextile to Uranus in your 2nd house, and trine Neptune in your 12th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 5th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 2nd house.

- Mars in your 6th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 12th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon, you are beginning a new cycle within your home life and inner world. It's possible that you are wanting to break away from your current familial dynamics or living situation, perhaps you are rearranging this area of life to accommodate financial or value changes that you've been undergoing with this New Moon sextile to Uranus in your 2nd house. This could mean a lot of things depending on your personal situation– with Mercury now in your 5th house of the inner child and joy square Jupiter in your 2nd house of values, self esteem, and finances. It could be that a monetary increase is allowing for a larger home, maybe you are expanding your family in some way at this time (especially if you are having children or someone is moving in with you). Jupiter and Uranus in the same house can also represent opportunity for insight and expanded awareness, it is possible that epiphanies and realizations about what you truly value and want for your life is causing this shift in how you live your life and interact with others.

This New Moon is really wanting to you follow your feeling about something. Aries is typically a sign that is not given room for its emotional body. Others expect you to toughen up, to do the things that must be done, but that doesn't leave a lot of room for what you need. Having Cancer on the 4th house of the most private, inner world is a sensitive spot to have this already sensitive sign, but instead of keeping this sensitivity so close to your chest, you may be pushed to express yourself to others in your orbit. There's this sense of "doing it differently" than your family has in the past, making way for a softer life to unfurl around you. This may be tested by your family, your parents, your superiors who seem to require a "tougher" attitude for you. Know that by being soft, you open yourself up to the gentle blessings of life that you could not feel under a hard shell.

I wonder too, if some of you are beginning to find your own values conflicting with your dating life or even your own creativity. This may also be the desire for more money, but not feeling like your passions are supporting it. There could be pressure from your family to take life more "seriously," but know that betraying your joy is only going continue a long cycle of scarcity mindsets. This is what I feel Mars in your 6th house (ruled by Mercury in Leo in the 5th house) opposing Saturn in the 12th house is bringing up. This is an axis that speaks about health of all kinds. If your mental health is being supported by your daily duties, if you're getting enough rest, if you're being treated well in the work place, if people are helping you or if they are against you. If you are dealing with health issues at this time, I imagine that there is something more emotional going on under the surface that you haven't felt safe enough to express.

Mars-Saturn is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially a health or work issue) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like your mental and spiritual health is suffering the most? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a coworker, a partner, a family member, etc.), your life will improve and you will ultimately feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your finances may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: Where have I allowed toxic family patterns to direct my life? Am I being completely honest with myself about how I feel? Am I taking care of myself properly and are there any health issues that could root from my emotional body instead of my physical body? What can I do to bring more joy into my life? Where have I silenced the child within me? Does my attachment to money dictate how I live my life in its entirety? Do I feel like my voice is valuable and worthy of elevating? How can I pivot in order to be the most authentic to myself?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Taurus risings:

Hi, Taurus! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 3rd house opposite Pluto in your 9th house, sextile to Uranus in your 1st house, and trine Neptune in your 11th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 4th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 1st house.

- Mars in your 5th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 11th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your mind and perspective. It is possible that you could be studying or learning something new at this time that greatly changes your belief systems and personal philosophy as this New Moon is opposing Pluto in your 9th house. You could be traveling and exploring a new city that you are thinking of moving to, you may be meeting up with cousins, extended family, or friends at this time, sharing, talking, and exchanging ideas are likely. If there has been a tough conversation that you’ve been meaning to have (especially surrounding feelings that have been festering or growing over time) this could be an opportunity for you to speak honestly and openly.

The New Moon is also sextile to Uranus in your 1st house and trine Neptune in your 11th house. Whatever you are needing to communicate or whatever you may be learning at this time has to do with your personal identity and autonomy as well as your personal plans for the future. You could be expressing something unexpected at this time that changes the way your future unfolds. This is by no means a bad thing, if anything, it seems you may be breaking out of older habits (like not communicating for example) by doing this. You may be discussing something with a sibling or friend that shows your character and expresses personal needs.

Mercury in your 4th house is square to Jupiter in your 1st house, so it could be that you are receiving or delivering disappointing news to a family member, this is an area that you are really working on this summer, trying to get on the same page about values with a family member or you may be trying to solidify a physical move. If this isn’t disappointing, it’s likely that you are wanting more for yourself and it’s not aligned with where you currently live or with what a family member thinks is best for you. No matter what, remember to stay true to what your emotional needs are. Speaking up is going to create the best path forward.

Mars-Saturn in your 5th and 11th houses is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially an issue with a friend, sibling, child, romantic partner, or something from your childhood) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like inner child issues or someone in your life may be creating suffering? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a friend, a partner, a past personality trait, a perspective, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your home and family life may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: How can I use what I am learning now to expand my world and better my future? Where are familial patterns holding me back from my own identity and self expression? What perspectives can I adopt to allow in the freedom I’ve been seeking? Are there people in my life that trigger inner child wounds? How am I contributing to those wounds? Where is my ego hurt and how am I personally projecting those hurts onto others? Do I think that something is my “fault” when I can appreciate my ability to learn and grow instead of punishing myself? Where am I being stubborn where I could be open to new perspectives instead?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Gemini risings:

Hi, Gemini! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 2nd house opposite Pluto in your 8th house, sextile to Uranus in your 12th house, and trine Neptune in your 10th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 3rd house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 12th house.

- Mars in your 4th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 10th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your sense of security with this transit triggering your 2nd and 8th house axis (as the New Moon is opposing Pluto in Capricorn). This time is likely showing you what values and beliefs you’ve taken on from others in your life and which of these you want to adopt as your own. The 2nd house is about so much more though, it can rule our finances, our worthiness, self esteem, the food that we put into our bodies, time and energy expended, and even how we are “ranked” within society. You are beginning a new cycle in this sector of your life, but as we’ve been discussing in recent horoscopes, you also have to make room for the things coming in. Maybe you are upgrading your lifestyle a bit at this time or starting a new job. Whatever the case, you’re really considering what you have and what you don’t.

The New Moon is sextile to Uranus in your 12th house, so honestly, insecurities are coming to the surface. Despite how this could feel, it is far better for any patterns of self sabotage to reveal themselves now so that you can heal these things so as not to block your own blessings (especially the financial ones!). If you are not struggling with something like this, you may be spending money on a trip to a foreign place, you could be earning money for spiritual work (if you are already a practitioner) or discovering what your spiritual beliefs are. It’s possible too, that you could be exploring a mental health issue and are re-evaluating your progress and what you may need to change to create a state of peace. Maybe that means diet changes, getting up at a certain time, anything that has to do with energy management. The Sun and Moon are trine Neptune in your 10th house as well hinting again at matters of career (making money), the public, how you are spending your life and how much you show the world. I do feel that financial or stature growth is possible for you now. The 10th house can also deal with our parents (especially the mother) and other authority figures (bosses, the government, etc). Money or value issues may come up in conversation with a parent or person in authority.

As a side note, if you are creating anything, especially related to a talent that you possess, I imagine that this is well received by the public right now. Mercury is square Jupiter in your 3rd and 12th houses, if you are traveling, you may be dealing with perspective issues. It’s possible that the customs are very different from what you’re used to or transportation needing to be sorted out. Otherwise, this is about perspective. You could be sharing something you’ve been going through or some kind of life announcement and it comes as a bit of a shock to others. You may also learn about something in the mental and spiritual health realm that helps to heal a particular issue or supports any lifestyle changes you may be making. Whatever the case, the 3rd house deals with the things we talk about openly while the 12th house is privacy, isolation, the things going on in our own minds. There is something conflicting or shifting here.

Meanwhile, Mars-Saturn in your 4th and 10th houses is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially an issue with the home, family, or ancestral past) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like family or your career is creating suffering? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a family member, a partner, a past personality trait, a perspective, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your perspective may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: Where have I not been taking care of myself and what do I need to prioritize the most? Does my inherent value or worth depend on the superficial and is this something I want to shift? Is my perspective limited for some reason (how I grew up, the values that others hold, the city I live in, etc)? How can I open my eyes to all that is available to me? Am I ready to upgrade my lifestyle? Can I allow myself to push past self sabotage and the opinions of others to share authentically? Do I enjoy how I am investing my time and energy everyday and if not, what can I do to change this?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Cancer risings:

Hi, Cancer! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 1st house opposite Pluto in your 7th house, sextile to Uranus in your 11th house, and trine Neptune in your 9th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 2nd house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 11th house.

- Mars in your 3rd house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 9th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your own personal identity. As we’ve been discussing, you are generally in a cycle of personality development with Saturn transiting your 9th house until 2025. This is a time where the beginnings of your new self and ability to assert yourself is coming through. You’ve been going through a lot of changes and release in the relationship sector (7th house) this month and over the last 15 years. Relationships are challenging for Cancers, but the good news is that they get better as you mature and find stability within yourself, which is what you’re doing now. The next 6 months is a time of deep searching and seeking for who you are becoming. As you do this though, yes, your relationships have to change and grow with you or fall away altogether if they are not giving you the proper support (or do not have the maturity to do so).

I do want to remind you that the 7th house is not just romantic relationships. You are dealing with any kind of one on one relationship in this realm. The New Moon is closest to a sextile to Uranus in the 11th house which can bring surprising change from your friends, your community members, public supporters, and even older siblings. Someone could have unexpected news for you or you could be delivering some unexpected news to others at this time that deeply alters your relationship or allows you to show up more authentically in a particular relationship. The 11th house is also the place of the future and your goals, plans, and dreams. It could be that you are given an opportunity to network and connect to a goal of yours ultimately giving you more freedom to pursue what you truly want. You could be meeting someone significant at this time.

The Sun and Moon are also trine Neptune in your 9th house, so this lunation could center around exploration of some kind. The 9th house is often a toss up, because it can be a very spiritual experience as this is the realm of astrology, philosophy, travel, and belief systems, but this can also be a time where you are really needing to speak up for what you believe in and what your personal philosophy is developing into. You may also need to assess what beliefs you have carried from your family and in childhood that are no longer conducive to the life you are wanting to lead. If there were certain spiritual beliefs especially, these are being called into question now. Where are certain ideas coming up again? What cycles need to break before entering into new partnerships and relationships?

Mercury is square Jupiter in your 2nd and 11th houses which may bring some disappointing news around how your finances support some future endeavor (this is not necessarily a new thing though), or this can again be a clash between your relationships (friends, siblings, community members, etc.) and your personal values and standards. Someone may be saying something that conflicts with the growth you are wanting to see, or maybe you are realizing that your self esteem is holding you back from connecting with others (and your dreams!) in the way that you truly yearn to. Mars-Saturn is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially a communication or perspective issue) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like communication (or lack thereof) is creating suffering the most? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a coworker, a partner, a family member, a perspective, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your finances may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: Where am I allowing harmful belief systems to permeate my relationships and the future that I want for myself? Who am I and am I acting in accordance with my values? Do I have a scarcity wound and can I shift into the idea that money does not leave forever, it simply flows in and out? Where am I not being honest about how I feel and who I am? What facades am I wearing for fear of abandonment? How can I cultivate a healthy relationship with myself and others through communication? Am I expecting others to be mind readers? Is someone else expecting this of me? Are the people in my life aligning with my values and beliefs?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Leo risings:

Hi, Leo! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 12th house opposite Pluto in your 6th house, sextile to Uranus in your 10th house, and trine Neptune in your 8th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 1st house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 10th house.

- Mars in your 2nd house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 8th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your own mental and spiritual health. I find that New Moons in the 12th house are times of beautiful illumination of the previously hidden, but also deep surrender for all that you cannot know yet. This is a time where you may feel you are reaching a new stage in your mental health journey– if tender things are rising to the surface, know that this is ultimately a good thing rather than something negative (even if it may feel uncomfortable). These wounds lying in the subconscious– these are a personal prison that you break free from the moment you confront anything that you’ve been dealing with privately by bringing it to the light. You may be dealing with familial patterns and cycles at this time, but know that by nurturing and taking care of these pain points, you (much like a clam shell) are nurturing these irritants into pearls. You are the pearl, dear Leo.

This New Moon is sextile to Uranus in your 10th house, so these wounds could have to do with the mother, but it can also be about your legacy, your public image and identity, your career. How we approach our image and personal footprints often result in the identity we build from our parents and their legacy. It’s possible that you could receive surprising news from a parent, boss, or other authority figure at this time that triggers this. I could also see Leo risings taking a sabbatical or even just a mini vacation from work to rest and heal at this time. If you happen to work with mental health, spirituality, or in some sort of institution this could be a significant time for your career where you are making a huge difference in others lives. It’s possible that you are announcing something that has been kept private up to this point as well.

The New Moon is also opposing Pluto in your 6th house of physical health and control and trine Neptune in your 8th house of investments, intimacy, and inheritances. Again, whatever is showing up at this time (with health, work, money, or investments) is ultimately confronting fears that you have in order to make peace with them and to transform them. It could be that you are needing to use savings right now to support rest, maybe others are investing in you at this time. If one of your generational wounds is around scarcity and reciprocity, this is something that you are working through now. With Mercury in your 1st house square to Jupiter in your 10th house, it could be that you are giving someone (especially a parent, boss, or authority figure) some disappointing news at this time, especially in the case of taking a break or stepping down from a specific role. It could be that you took on too much or you are needing to set some boundaries with what your personal responsibilities are.

Mars-Saturn in your 2nd and 8th houses is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially a value, worth, self esteem, or monetary issue) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like social hierarchy or time and energy issues are creating suffering the most? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a coworker, a partner, a past personality trait, a perspective, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your role and identity may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: How have I been showing up at work, in my career, or in matters of responsibility in a way that is not serving my personal energy levels? Where have I been undervaluing and overworking myself for the sake of others in my life? How can I take some of this power back now by looking deeper into my inner workings and health? In what way can I take care of my physical and mental health? Do I hold the belief that if I am not doing anything, I am not worthy? How can I work smarter, not harder? Do I hold the limiting belief that this is all there is for me? How can I surrender and get closer to spirit in the process of release?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Virgo risings:

Hi, Virgo! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 11th house opposite Pluto in your 5th house, sextile to Uranus in your 9th house, and trine Neptune in your 7th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 12th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 11th house.

- Mars in your 1st house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 7th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your future plans, goals, dreams, and within your friendships and community circles. You are suddenly realizing a new future that either hasn’t been possible before or perhaps you didn’t have the pieces (nor the wisdom) to put this dream together properly. It could be too, that you didn’t have the support from others to create this future that you are now trying to formulate plans around. Whatever the case, you may be meeting new people at this time or there are certain plans you are trying to enact right now. You’ve been doing a lot of work in your 5th house of the inner child, romance, and creativity over the last 15 years. Whatever creative projects, romantic partners, or childhood wounds are showing up in your life right now has something to do with this future you are beginning.

Some of you are genuinely thinking about having children, but if that isn’t the case, it could be that there are some deeper inner child wounds that are keeping you from stepping into this future that you so desire. It could be that you are wanting to make sure that everything is solid or maybe you are struggling to express that internal wound to someone else. There is an opportunity for healing like never before, especially any shame or fear you’re holding onto around sex, dating, and creativity. The New Moon is most closely aspecting Uranus in your 9th house of travel and belief systems. You could be making unexpected travel plans, someone could be visiting you, or you could be interacting with a belief system or mentor that changes or contributes to your plans in a way that feels surprising or freedom seeking. The 9th house is also about college, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were thinking of going to school for something right now.

Along the same vein here, Mercury in your 12th house is square Jupiter (who is co-present with Uranus) in your 9th house. It could be that travel plans are canceled for some reason, or you may be uncovering mental health issues that require you to lean on a therapist, a mentor, or some higher power or sense of surrender– If you are not already experiencing this, I doubt this will happen, Jupiter typically builds. Either way, something is needing to be expressed, but you may have trouble articulating what you need to. If there is foreign travel at all, just make sure you have all of your paperwork in order. The New Moon in your 11th house is trine Neptune in your 7th house of relationships– it is very likely that these new plans and dreams are things that you are envisioning with someone else, but there may be an ambiguity about this. Either your partner (and this can be romantic, platonic, familial, etc.) is not being very clear or there are other restrictions and delays prohibiting them from being a part of the future that you are building. Honestly, with Saturn in your 7th house, time may be the only remedy to the situation for some of you.

Mars-Saturn is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially an identity issue) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged within your relationships. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like loneliness or personal autonomy issues are creating suffering the most? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a coworker, a partner, a past personality trait, a perspective, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your finances may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: How can I show up authentically even in the face of judgment? Where do I criticize myself to the point of stifling my true self? Am I willing to be open to a different way of doing things than I have in the past? What inner child wounds are creating resistance in my relationship with others and within my own creativity and expression? How can I open up in a way that builds trust and intimacy? Can I be open to the notion that delays happen for a reason? Have I committed to something too soon without checking the foundation? Or, on the contrary, have I been too cautious waiting for everything to be perfect before making moves towards the things I want?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Libra risings:

Hi, Libra! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 10th house opposite Pluto in your 4th house, sextile to Uranus in your 8th house, and trine Neptune in your 6th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 11th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 8th house.

- Mars in your 12th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 6th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your career, legacy, and place in the world. With this New Moon opposing Pluto in your 4th house of home and family, it’s likely that whatever you are beginning in your public life is deeply affecting your physical home or family in some way. You have been undergoing massive (and difficult) changes in the home sector for the last 15 years. Something that you begin now may be creating the next steps for the home and family that you want to have. This may include a relocation, a big loan, or a new plan that is beginning to form in your mind. I’m not going to lie, not that this is news to you, but you are likely experiencing a big transition right now and it’s not necessarily easy even while it may look “good” or “bad” to you on the surface. Many shifts are happening for you so that you can begin to release past versions of who you were to become who you are going to be. This is requiring change and initiation for you.

The New Moon is sextile Uranus in your 8th house, there could be some unexpected payments coming up or you may receive money randomly right now. There is a breaking free that is happening in this area– some of you are paying off debts so that you can make room for other changes and investments in your life. You could be making a big commitment or investment at work, someone you live with could be sharing something shocking with you, or perhaps a part of your life is transforming in a surprising way. The Sun and Moon are trine Neptune in your 6th house, so whatever big life changes are happening right now are likely creating more work and responsibility for you. It’s likely that you can’t quite see how much responsibility there is as it is all in the future and therefore distant from what you can see and understand right now. Health issues and reciprocity are things to be mindful of– take care of your health as much as possible.

Mercury in your 11th house is square Jupiter in your 8th house, so whatever you are starting right now (new job, new house, new responsibility, etc.) it is likely requiring a lot of money, time, or emotional investment from you. You could be receiving some disappointing or conflicting news from a friend, community member, or from someone who has a hand in these future plans, or it could be that this investment is taking up a lot of space. Be careful of over committing yourself right now, but don’t underestimate your abilities either. This can also manifest in having to release physical items for a relocation or major change that you’re making which is no small feat!

Mars-Saturn in your 6th and 12th houses is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially an issue with mental health and your ability to surrender to the unknown) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like health or control issues are creating suffering? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a friend, a partner, a past personality trait, a perspective, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your plans for the future may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: Where am I trying to control my next steps when it would be best left up to the divine? What do I want my legacy to look like and am I taking the steps I need to in order to get there? How can I revise my goals to fit the plan that is formulating right now? Who in my life do I feel is supportive and who should I remove from my circle? What can I release to step up to a higher level? Do I truly believe that quality is better than quantity? How can I align with this sentiment right now? Where am I expecting change where I could be creating it? On the contrary, where can I release the grip I have on the details right now? What are my health issues trying to show me about my mental and spiritual health?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Scorpio risings:

Hi, Scorpio! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 9th house opposite Pluto in your 3rd house, sextile to Uranus in your 7th house, and trine Neptune in your 5th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 10th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 7th house.

- Mars in your 11th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 5th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your belief systems, personal philosophy, and self discovery. It's very possible that you are unveiling certain childhood patterns as a result of looking a bit deeper. This is a time where books, travel, religion, spirituality, and mentors in your life are really driving something home. There may be some sort of relationship pattern that you are seeing repeat itself or maybe there is a relationship with someone in your life that you are dying to break free from. Uranus can cause some shakeups, so if it isn't you desiring freedom, someone else in your life could be delivering surprising news. Whatever this is, it's still delicate. It could be a big emotional change, but whatever happens, this is an opportunity to learn something pivotal that will ultimately help you grow closer to who you are becoming.

With Mercury now in your 10th house square to Jupiter in your 7th house, I imagine that you are either receiving or delivering news to someone you are in a relationship or contractual partnership with. There's something that needs to be expressed, especially if you are not receiving the recognition that you deserve. This is about your larger vision for life. What you truly want– some of you are coming to terms with the fact that someone in your life is not ready or able to be a willing participant in this legacy that is so important to you. Children could be a consideration, but it may also be your personal need for a specific kind of love, or even your creative expression at work. This feels very much like, "We've decided to go in a different direction," conversation if this is a professional scenario. It's possible that you are rejecting or being rejected, but what you can't see right now is how this will propel you to where you truly want to be.

There are epiphanies and realizations available to you within your relationship sector right now. It's possible that you could be traveling to see someone around this time that truly deepens your relationship. If you are in college or working towards a course of study, there may be a new mentor or person coming into your life that is teaching you how to elevate your life and career. It's possible too that you are meeting or visiting with someone who is coming from far away (especially extended family). Pluto, for you, has been a catalyst for cerebral growth, you may have a new skill to put to the test or perhaps you are developing your ability to communicate your feelings while still remaining grounded.

If these aren't childhood patterns revealing themselves, it's possible that you are starting a family with your 5th house of children aspected. If you are finding out about a pregnancy at this time, it may be unexpected or something that really forces you to change your plans for the future. There seems to be a mismatch here about the past vs. the future. Unrequited feelings or different ideas about what you and what a partner want is possible. Mars-Saturn is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. You may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially one with a friend, a community, or the future) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like your creativity and fun is being stifled the most? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a coworker, a partner, a family member, etc.), your life will improve and you will ultimately feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your relationships may adjust, your beliefs still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: Do I have harmful belief systems about what is and isn't possible for me? Am I convinced that there is no more to discover? Am I convinced that there is no one else in the world who could align with my goals and beliefs more seamlessly than those currently in my life? Am I holding onto someone who is perpetually close minded? Where have I suppressed my own creativity and expression? Where am I desiring freedom the most and what (or who) is holding me back from the next level? Can I embrace the phrase, "rejection is divine protection?" How can I pivot to allow new experiences to bless my path?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Sagittarius risings:

Hi, Sag! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 8th house opposite Pluto in your 2nd house, sextile to Uranus in your 6th house, and trine Neptune in your 4th house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 9th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 6th house.

- Mars in your 10th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 4th house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your personal transformation. The 8th house is where we truly release everyone else’s “stuff” in order to find who we really are, what we want, what we value. This could be a time, with the Moon opposing Pluto in your 2nd house, where you are reassessing your priorities, what feels the most important to you. You could be clearing out some things, letting go of physical items, making a significant payment, clearing financial or emotional debt, rearranging your life to accommodate what works for you now. You may also make a financial commitment or sign some kind of contract around this time. Whatever this is, you are opening up a new avenue to become intimate with yourself and others.

The Sun and Moon are sextile to Uranus in your 6th house, it’s possible that you are dealing with a health issue right now (yours or maybe a pet’s health or coworker’s) that requires time, energy, or money from you. This could be a time where you are trying new lifestyles, ones that may seem radical or different from what you are used to and this is requiring a transformation of old beliefs and ways of prioritizing. The New Moon is trine to Neptune in your 4th house of home and family. It might be that you are confronting a familial loss or a generational belief that is creating friction in your life and personal values. You may also enter into a new housing contract at this time where you are sharing a space with others. Whatever happens, you may be unsure about how long this situation will be or there is something ambiguous about it generally.

Mercury in your 9th house is square to Jupiter in your 6th house– it’s possible that any health issues must be tended to by a professional (a doctor, a nurse, a dentist, a veterinarian). It could be that you are needing a different perspective on something you’re working on as well, maybe you are consulting an astrologer, a mentor, a guide, a therapist, or a teacher at this time to fine tune the details in your life. You could have to change the way you live every day if there are major shifts within the home or with the people you share a space with (work, home, or otherwise). This aspect is ultimately about a new perspective, try to be flexible and open with your belief systems and philosophies right now, there may be something you are not seeing. If there is any travel at this time, you may be sorting out the details right now.

Meanwhile, Mars-Saturn in your 4th and 10th houses is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially an issue with your public image, your legacy, your parents, boss, or other authority figures, or your career) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged within the home and inner world. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like your family, an authority figure, or fears around being seen are creating suffering? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a family member, a partner, a past personality trait, a perspective, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your beliefs may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: What do I need to let go of? What emotional debts are overdue? How can I let go of past programming to step into who I am now? What do I truly value and want to prioritize in my life? How can I share myself with others and what is holding me back from being the most authentic even in safe spaces? What limiting beliefs do I have and is this just a matter of perspective? How can I assert myself while still being respectful? Am I afraid of being seen and where does this fear come from?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Capricorn risings:

Hi, Capricorn! Happy New Moon. Let's breakdown this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 7th house opposite Pluto in your 1st house, sextile to Uranus in your 5th house, and trine Neptune in your 3rd house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 8th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 5th house.

- Mars in your 9th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 3rd house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your relationships. First, I would like to say– you have really transformed and grown into who you are meant to be with Pluto transiting your 1st house over the last 15 years. This has not come easily. While you may be a natural “late bloomer,” this growth has been so intense that you are, indeed, blooming. There are still a few adjustments to be made over the next year, but you are almost done with this challenging cycle. This brings us to your 7th house, this New Moon is triggering the growth that your own sense of self and identity still needs to gain through other people. We can grow and grow and grow and as soon as we are faced with another person? This is when we get to measure how much growth we’ve actually done. In some ways, this New Moon is a challenge for you. A challenge to take a gentler approach, a challenge to step outside of isolation and partner with someone who can spark change you didn’t even know you needed.

The Sun and Moon in Cancer in your 7th house is sextile Uranus in your 5th house and trine Neptune in your 3rd house. This is challenging you to communicate with someone. The 3rd and 5th houses can represent siblings, people from your childhood, but it can also represent romance and dating partners, people you have a lot of passion for, or even collaborators that you are working with contractually or creatively. It’s possible that you could be meeting someone new that significantly changes your perspective, maybe you are revisiting relationships from the past (5th house) that you are needing to gain clarity on, or you are working with others on a project that expands what is possible for you and your craft. Whatever the case, this New Moon is challenging you to be honest and in tune with how you feel about someone or a particular situation.

With Mercury in your 8th house square Jupiter in your 5th house, it’s possible that others have different ideas or a different approach than you do. It’s possible that you’re hearing some news that is challenging you to engage maturely. For some of you, it could be that there is an issue with funding a creative project, or this project is going to cost more than you thought, but it can also be an emotional cost. The 5th house is fun, romantic, exciting while the 8th house requires more emotional depth than the 5th house is willing to give. You may struggle to open up honestly and courageously about something you’ve been going through or this can be someone else in your life struggling to do so. It’s very possible that this has to do with a past project, payment, or relationship.

Mars-Saturn is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. You may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially one with belief systems, long distance travel, or legal matters) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged around perspective and communication. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like your movement or ability to speak up is being stifled the most? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a belief, a job, a coworker, a partner, a family member, etc.), your life will improve and you will ultimately feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your finances may adjust, your ability to create intimacy still needs to transform, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: What is holding me back from creating the relationships that I desire? Does permanence or impermanence scare me? What stops me from opening up and being my most authentic self? Do I feel like my creativity and expression is worth the price asked of me? (There are no wrong answers). Can I find it within to communicate my perspective clearly in a way that serves myself and others? How can I pivot to allow others into my life?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Aquarius risings:

Hi, Aquarius! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 6th house opposite Pluto in your 12th house, sextile to Uranus in your 4th house, and trine Neptune in your 2nd house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 7th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 4th house.

- Mars in your 8th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 2nd house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your daily life, health, and work. This could be a time where you are taking on new responsibilities or are adjusting your lifestyle to accommodate your health and vitality. With the Moon opposing Pluto in your 12th house, you may be making these changes for a mental health issue or for your own spiritual health. The 6th house is a lot of things– it can speak to the rituals and habits we have (the healthy and unhealthy), animals (pets that we care for), what our exercise routine looks like, or the duties we are responsible for at work. If there is something that has been eluding you, it may come out into the open now. If you are taking more on at work, there is a need to adjust your own schedule for rest too. Pluto in the 12th house is trying to make sure that you are taking care of your mental health too, not just the physical.

The New Moon is sextile to Uranus in your 4th house of home and family. It’s possible that unexpected changes in the home are the thing creating more responsibility and work for you. This could manifest in changing your routine at home (cleaning up more, beginning different habits), you might be taking care of a family member and their health, maybe a new pet is being added into your physical residence, or you could be caught up in a significant project with your family. Whatever the case, you are working diligently to care for yourself, your physical space, and others. The Moon is trine Neptune in your 2nd house, this could mean that your priorities are changing or that there is money, time, and energy going into these efforts. If you have been working towards certain health goals, you may change the way you eat or the way that you speak to yourself (the 2nd house is about self esteem, values, and worthiness).

Mercury in your 7th house is square to Jupiter in your 4th house. This aspect is largely about perspective. If you live with a partner or family member, you could be differing in opinion, and may not quite be on the same page about something in the home. This is requiring some kind of communication to understand exactly what this experience will be like or is required from you. This is especially the case if you are moving or creating a space with another person in your life. Maybe this is about communicating your new responsibilities and priorities to a partner– otherwise, they may not understand where your head is at. Be open and honest about what is most important to you right now.

Meanwhile, Mars-Saturn in your 2nd and 8th houses is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially an issue with your shared spaces, finances, and contracts) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged within your personal priorities, finances, and value system. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like finances or self worth issues are creating suffering? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a family member, a partner, a particular food, a value, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your relationships may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: What is most important to me right now? Am I engaging with the kind of rituals and activities that are aligned with my healthiest, happiest self? Is there something I could add or eliminate from my routines that would result in a more efficient lifestyle? Am I able to compromise with others and truly listen to what they have to say? How do I handle myself in the face of conflicting perspectives and values? How can I create a safe space for myself and others? Am I taking on too much? Is there a way to create a more balanced schedule and home environment?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.

Pisces risings:

Hi, Pisces! Happy New Moon. Let's break down this lunation. *Keep in mind that New Moon themes are most obvious for 2 weeks after and work more subconsciously for 6 months after. You are beginning a new 6 month cycle!

The Astrology:

- The Sun and Moon are conjunct in your 5th house opposite Pluto in your 11th house, sextile to Uranus in your 3rd house, and trine Neptune in your 1st house.

- Venus and Mercury are in Leo in your 6th house. Venus is stationing and Mercury is square Jupiter in your 3rd house.

- Mars in your 7th house is coming into an opposition to Saturn in your 1st house.

Your Horoscope:

This New Moon you are beginning a new cycle within your joy and creativity. The 5th house is a lot of things, this is the realm of entertainment– theatre, movies, painting, video games, whatever it is you enjoyed as a kid– these are the things that seem “non essential” at a glance, but they are the things that are essential to our life force and happiness. This is the inner child, the past and the nostalgia we feel, it’s also romance, dating, passionate sex. It’s possible that you could find something new to be passionate about right now or perhaps you are beginning a project for the fun of it. With the New Moon opposing Pluto in your 11th house, we know that your friends, communities, personal interests, your goals, your ability to plan for the future, these things have been evolving quite a bit over the last 15 years. It’s possible that whatever project or interest you find yourself indulging in is something that is transforming what is possible for you in the future. I should mention too, the 5th house is the house of children. Some of you could be getting pregnant around this time or are seriously thinking about this kind of future.

The New Moon is sextile to Uranus in your 3rd house, I imagine that you are receiving surprising news. This could be someone else in your life becoming pregnant unexpectedly, it could be that you are invited to take part in a future creative project, maybe something on social media or in your local city has really caught your attention and is inspiring you in your own creativity. This can also lead to conversations about your own inner child, changing the way you perceive your childhood and your past. If you are dating or even if you aren’t, you may have some unexpected communication coming in from a lover or from someone who is a potential in your life. With Neptune in your 1st house trine the Sun and Moon in your 5th house, it’s possible that any physical or identity changes are catching someone’s eye or again, you are becoming an incredibly spiritual or creative powerhouse over the next 6 months. Whatever “fun” you engage in (dating, passions, or children), it is likely changing you at a fundamental level.

With Mercury in your 6th house square to Jupiter in your 3rd house, any communication that does come in may be challenging your health in some way. This could also look like taking your pets for a check up, taking care of your own health, or perhaps you are learning something that impacts the way that you live your day-to-day life. The 6th house is work, normally the work we don’t want to do, so you may have to put in some time for tedious responsibilities. Say you are pregnant for example, you may need to change the approach to your health. This is an aspect that requires us to shift our perspective, so whatever is happening, you are rearranging a bit.

Meanwhile, Mars-Saturn in your 1st and 7th houses is challenging, it's probably going to be challenging for the collective. Ultimately you may be encountering a temporary, but a particularly inflamed problem (especially an issue with your one-on-one relationships– business, romantic, or otherwise) that is showing you something much deeper that needs to be understood and purged. Where do you feel restricted? Where do you feel like a personality trait or a person in your life is creating suffering? Mars-Saturn often requires us to cut something out of our lives. The very good news, in my opinion, is that whatever you do sever from your life (a job, a family member, a partner, a past personality trait, a perspective, a belief, etc.), your life will improve and you will feel closer to your authenticity.

Venus is at her station degree, so yes, whatever comes up now will need to be revised in some way. Your health may adjust, your values still have changes to realize, but this is a start. Speaking from your emotional needs is a seed for a bright beginning. Ask yourself: Where can I allow more fun and creativity into my life? Are there things from my childhood I miss and want to revive? Am I ignoring the needs of my own inner child in certain relationships or environments? How can I accommodate ‘little me’ a bit more? Is there someone in my life that I have outgrown in maturity? Do I like my daily life and work? Do I feel appreciated by the people I work with? Is my health thriving to its fullest potential? How do I approach my future and goals, is there something I am not allowing myself to dream or wonder about? How can I become whimsical again?

Happy New Moon! My books are open if you are needing something more personal to you at this time.


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