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shaped by the idiosyncratic: the uranian full moon

Katie Ussery

The importance of this Full Moon

Uranus transits are ones we tend to forget about, outer planets fill the space like background noise since the transits last so long, it's impossible to give them the attention they deserve all the time. Though exceptions come when major lunations aspect them (the Moon is a trigger) and when conjunctions or oppositions happen, indicative of beginnings and climaxes to smaller, more present, stories within the transit. Uranus has been in Taurus since spring of 2018 and is essentially on its way out right now, the transition into Gemini begins in 2025.


Even while we're not done, this is the last Full Moon in Taurus while Uranus is in this sign, we have one more New Moon in 6 months with Uranus in Taurus as well... but Full Moons? They hit different. New Moons don't have quite the same reputation for dramatics, that's because it's only the beginning of something; it's just the seed. The Full Moon brings the climax, the pivot, the gooey center of the cycle. For that reason, we are likely to experience a culmination and review of all that we have learned since the Uranus ingress in 2018 before starting fresh at the New Moon where we'll start preparing for the Uranian transition. But that's not all! Before we go into depth with Uranus, I must mention three things:


Pluto's transition

This is the last lunation with Pluto in Capricorn before it moves into Aquarius on the 19th, we've reached our final form in the journey of transformation in our Capricorn sector since its entrance in 2008-- I've been talking about it quite a bit! You can find more info on it here & here.


The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction

This Full Moon is very close to where the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction perfected at 21º back on April 20th 2024, this is also the official Sun opposition from the cycle that began back in May. I wrote a whole article about Jupiter's conjunction that you can review here. As I said in the article, "these are often times of transformative travel, moments of 'breaking free' from past modes of income and oppressive relationships, the forming of powerful partnerships, a potency for creative energy." This lunation will likely highlight that cycle, bringing larger cultural shifts and personal breakthroughs to the Taurean sector (money, value, nature). It's also a great time to reflect on all that has expanded since its perfection. We are seeing the true implications of that aspect now.


Saturn direct

Also at the time of the Full Moon, Saturn stations direct after being retrograde since the end of June. I don't love the narrative that Saturn becomes easier or less restrictive when it retrogrades, it isn't usually my experience. Like any retrograde, we're reviewing and reflecting on Saturn's themes which ultimately aids in a sobering clarity around our hardest lessons. Saturn transits impose limitations that can either debilitate or push us to find inner maturity that was previously lacking. In Pisces, it has done this by exploring finalities, grief, the inhibitors of emotional wellbeing, toxic or unrealistic spirituality, creative dryness, and addiction without boundary. We've had to get very real in an area that we'd prefer to stay in the clouds.

Now that Saturn is stationing direct, that previously mentioned "sobering clarity" is gracing us and will ultimately help us (even if it doesn't feel like help) in solidifying and integrating a difficult journey; resolution is coming and it may have to do with a phrase I've been using a lot this month– "emotional labor". I see Saturn transits a lot like a three act play, each act beginning and ending at the annual Sun-Saturn conjunction. Each "act" follows the "play" or the larger transit in similar theme, but you'll notice that they are often filled with characters or storylines that differentiate themselves from the last act. Saturn, while difficult, is really beautiful when we are able to notice its cohesion in this way.

By this definition the first act would have begun just before the ingress of Saturn in March of 2023 and ended at the conjunction to the Sun on February 28th 2024. Saturn stationed at 19º and is now direct at 12º Pisces. We'll be mastering this second act of the play that began with the Sun-Saturn conjunction on February 28th 2024 until the end of February 2025 when it passes 19º and we begin the third act at the Sun-Saturn conjunction on March 12th– though the metaphor then gets a little complicated because of Saturn's retrograde between Pisces and Aries in 2025, it's as if two different (but still relevant) plays begin to merge. If it helps in your reflection, what has this "play" been about for you, how has the first act contributed to where you are now in the second act? What do you think the third will be about as Saturn converges with the nodal story that has been present since summer of 2023 in the Aries sector of your chart?


The culmination of Uranus in Taurus

I'd like to steer away from making a blanket statement about "surprises" this Full Moon because while this is often the case, transits to Uranus are more nuanced. Uranus brings about very unique situations in our lives that ultimately radicalize us. By this I mean: it changes us in such a way that requires a shift in belief system or active liberation from traditional systems because we are suddenly the odd one out. We now have a lived experience that helps us relate to and understand instability that awakens us to alternative lifestyles, decisions, or views that could not be fathomed before the transit.


Uranus is exhausting because of how frequent its changes are. It is here to thrust you into alternative ways of being and interacting with the house and archetype at hand. Uranus in Taurus has been responsible for taking one of The Most traditional areas of our lives and pushing us to explore possible substitutions for the approaches we used to take, it absolutely has required it because of the peculiar events that have shown up. To provide an example: Uranus in Taurus has transited the 7th house of relationships in my own chart which correlated with a long term relationship that I began right at the start of the transit. Not only was that relationship faced with sudden and unexpected distance for a year, but as things finally seemed to go back to "normal" when we moved in together, we were then quarantining through a global pandemic. How odd! To have no physical interaction and then to have suddenly, too much physical interaction for comfort. This is why things begun under a Uranus transit related to the house themes scarcely last. The circumstances are so strange and unprecedented that we are forced to consider what is important to us and also, simultaneously, to let go of expectations for how things "should" be... because they actually can't be the way we wanted them to.


After that relationship dissolved about halfway through the transit of Uranus in Taurus, the story was far from over. I was then brought a stream of short lived, but very impactful, relationships of all kinds that continued to test my values, security, and sense of trust (Taurus) in other people. It required that I let go of any ideals I had before the transit by getting up close and personal with them. It's as if Uranus was saying: Yeah, you think you want this kind of relationship or this kind of person or this kind of agreement– but will you still want it when you experience this random and abnormal thing and ultimately realize that the desire or initial value was faulty or unsustainable to begin with? This has been the heart of Uranus in Taurus. It has shaken our core values, resources, all that we hold near and dear to show that there is a better, alternative way of relating to the matter in front of us. Uranus does this through the art of shock. An excerpt from my most recent article on shock

"Shock is so pervasive because the information, outcome, or damage that comes as a result of an event is so out of the ordinary, so unexpected and outside of the typical reality that one is currently experiencing or has already experienced, that the mind, the body, and the soul falter. They, even if only momentarily, struggle to understand what this means, what the consequences are, and how this could have happened. It takes longer for the unexpected to fit into the already unified reality of what previously was."

If you read the article, you'll know that this is what sets us up for the quantum leap, an accelerated or futuristic reality where there are prolific possibilities, putting us ahead of what was previously available. This is what Uranus is all about, it tends to personalize innovation.


While we are not fully done with Uranus in Taurus until 2026, this Full Moon and the next 6 months are likely to bring final storylines, shocks, and moments of reckoning with the ongoing journey to the adoption of surrogate values and radicalization in an area that used to be seemingly solid, unbreakable, or fixed to a certain outcome. We are stepping into a Uranian transition and this would be the optimal time to reflect on what has changed and how you have been changed as a result. In Erin Sullivan's Retrograde Planets, she says that it is possible for someone to revert back to how things were before the transit of Uranus after its influence has passed, and while I don't doubt her observation, I am having the interesting experience with exiting Uranus in Taurus of becoming strangely rooted in a more traditional Taurean relationship with values but in a new way that, from the outside, could almost mimic that "before" state even if in actuality it is far from it. As if the values have become stronger or reinforced through all of this instability and experimentation. This could be something to observe while reflecting personally.


Something to consider too: Look at the progression of how past Uranus transits have informed each area of your life so far, they can give you profound insight for what to expect (not that we can ever really "expect" with Uranus) for the next transit through Gemini. For example, how might your experience with say, Uranus transiting the 9th house (likely manifesting in sudden travel, unique mentors, radical learning experiences) inform the next transit through the 10th house (career, public life, legacy) and so on? Each transit puts us in position for the next one.

Uranus will ingress Gemini for the first time on July 7th 2025, will retrograde back into Taurus on November 8th 2025, and re-enter Gemini on April 26th 2026 where it will stay until 2033. We're on the last leg!

Revelation here we come.

Your friendly neighborhood astrologer,



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