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Venus enters Taurus (3.16.23)

Katie Ussery

Venus enters its domicile (its own home) on 3.16, a welcome and warm transit after Venus in detriment, until 4.11.

Venus rules attraction, value, esteem, our standards, and in Taurus, these things become solid matter. Something you can hold, touch, or taste. It is sensual that way. Taurus is often associated with food, money, very basic level needs, but this sign is so much more. It is what kinds of food we think our bodies deserve, it is the standard of living and loving that we attract. This is based on what we are rooted in and where that root grounds. Taurus deals with instability and worry just as much as it rules the very opposite.

Taurus really cares. It cares about what people think of it as Taurus rules over our hierarchal and socioeconomic position, our physical appearance and clothing, our system of values, and most importantly, self-righteousness.

In understanding Taurus' role in righteousness, we must first understand that it doesn't rush because it knows there is exactly a right moment for everything– but its spectrum moves between concern, stability, and negligence (I want to explore this idea more in the 'Sun enters Taurus' article). If our other Venusian sign, Libra, is about accountability and justice, then Taurus is about doing what is right or justifiable in the first place. Having a morally sound method of moving through the world so that when Libra puts Taurus on a scale, the scale reads: "practically perfect in every way." (reminiscent of the measuring tape used by Mary Poppins).

There is a lot I can say about Taurus, but we'll save it for our many upcoming Taurus transits. For now, you can hope that this transit will bring blessings that are a result of your hard work. Blessings centered around your finances, delicious edibility, anything that is valuable to you. Whatever you value, you can expect to enjoy those things more than usual. In a more spiritual sense, we've all been working very hard to become stable in the house we personally have Taurus. You might start to see some evidence of that stability during this transit.

Major Aspects:

Venus sextile Saturn 3.18

The first (major) aspect Venus makes is to our newly ingressed Saturn in Pisces. We can expect to see more of Saturn's plans for the next 3 years. There is quite a bit of Pisces and Taurus activations in the first year of this transit especially. These two are working together as teammates. Venus, while gentle, is very supportive of Saturn's ideas and wants to make those value shifts needed for a larger vision. Trust that anything worth it will take time to build. This is a beautiful day to make art or to buy something that is meant to last a long time.

It should be noted that the Sun-Mercury-Neptune conjunction square Mars in Gemini is just now separating on this day. I have written about that here. I think it is possible that epiphanies or arguments that correlate with the week of the 13th-17th of March are likely to play a part in this Venus in Taurus transit. Perhaps our Taurus houses can show us something to remediate any chaos.

Venus conjunct North Node (opposite the South Node) 3.20

Anytime we have North Node activations, destiny is at play. In Taurus, we can expect these things to manifest in a tangible form. Whatever shows up now is helping you to get more comfortable in the house you have Taurus. Remember that this usually occurs by making us a bit uncomfortable first, though we are nearing the end of the nodal axis in Taurus-Scorpio. Pay off debts, benefit from the rewards of any work you have already done. Reap what you sow, but leave room for fate or "God's will"

Venus conjunct Uranus 3.30

Unexpected windfalls or accidents are likely now. Uranus is always our wildcard, but Venus is very supportive through essential dignity (domicile, in its exalted decan, and on Jupiter's terms). It is very possible to receive something unexpected at this time and it is very likely to be physical– delectable taste, soft to the touch, lovely sound, a breathtaking scent, or a beautiful sight to behold. Although, Uranus can twist things anyway it likes, so beware of risky financial moves or concerning weather. It is better to be safe than sorry, but a Venus so dignified is a positive omen.

Venus-Mercury Co-Presence 4.03

Mercury will never quite catch up to Venus in Taurus, but this co-presence will increase the Taurean energy in the sky and in our lives. We will have Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and the North Node all in our Taurus houses, expect an excess of activity here for the remainder of April. Keep it slow and low. Indulge, work smarter and not harder. Remember that planning has a purpose!

Venus sextile Neptune 4.06

This day is best used for creation. There is potential for magnetic attraction, beautiful wonders, artistic endeavors, and a sort of cosmic love. Neptune is known for reflection and Venus is known for its ability to attract; It is likely that you are in tune with others or with what it is you are trying to convey with your chosen medium. Psychic wisdom is possible when Venus is on Saturn's terms and in connection to our Ocean deity. Beware of financial scams, or projections that are entirely your own (internal) issue. Things may not be exactly what they seem (but that can be fun, too).

Venus in Taurus themes for the rising signs:

Aries risings: Venus in the 2nd house will highlight personal income, self esteem, time and energy exerted, priorities, clothing, values, food, and resources.

Taurus risings: Venus in the 1st house will highlight self, identity, personal outlook, sense of self, independence, condition, body, stylization

Gemini risings: Venus in the 12th house will highlight isolation, institutions, the unseen, hidden friends and enemies, spiritual experiences, substances, altered states, rest, retreats, subconscious fears and desires.

Cancer risings: Venus in the 11th house will highlight your friendships, communities, interests, goals, future aspirations and wishes, and network circles.

Leo risings: Venus in the 10th house will highlight your career, life path, public appearance, parents, authority figures, reputation, and position.

Virgo risings: Venus in the 9th house will highlight personal philosophy, higher education, mentors, foreign travel, religion, legal affairs, publishing, prophecies, and extended family.

Libra risings: Venus in the 8th house will highlight loans, debt, shared resources, contracts, taxes, intimacy, and personal transformation.

Scorpio risings: Venus in the 7th house will highlight interpersonal relationships, agreements, business and personal partnerships, the law, and the public.

Sagittarius risings: Venus in the 6th house will highlight health, routines and rhythms, rituals, pets and their health, the things you can control, work, service, coworkers, reciprocity.

Capricorn risings: Venus in the 5th house will highlight pleasure, fun, enjoyment, sex, passion, dating, romance, children, entertainment, creativity, stocks.

Aquarius risings: Venus in the 4th house will highlight property, home, family, parents, grandparents, ancestry, safety, comfort, security, land, and domestic issues.

Pisces risings: Venus in the 3rd house will highlight communication, local environment, news, transportation, siblings, visits, short trips, teachers, and gossip.

if you are interested in learning more about your personal chart and transits:


Photo credit: Marie Antoinette (2006 film)


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